My House Tour on Design Sponge.



A few weeks ago, the kind folks from Design Sponge asked if I would do a home tour for their Sneak Peak column. At first I was like WHUUUUUT and then I was like YAAASSSSSS but then I was like STRESSSS BARFFFFF. I ran around like a maniac straightening photos, replacing dead plants, sucking up dust bunnies and rearranging my knick-knacks 900 times. All in all, I’m super excited with how it turned out. Everything in here makes me happy and I want to stare at it all day.







See the rest of the photos and interview here!


Beautiful photos by the talented Kate Sassak.



Posted on by Tracey
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2 Responses to My House Tour on Design Sponge.

  1. Maeve McHugh says:

    Hi Tracy, my name is Maeve mchugh and I work for west elm in Downtown Birmingham as our social media specialist. We are planning some events in October for our one year anniversary and I think t his could be the start of a really great partnership for these planned events. Please feel free to email me and we will be in touch. Absolutely LOVED the spread on design sponge. It was even featured on our west elm blog–front and main!!! You have a KILLER eye for design. Talk soon!! thanks!

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